(Forthcoming) Aristoteles: Metafizik [Aristotle: Metaphysics] (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with the Greek text, an Introduction, notes, glossary, and Indices; Istanbul: Philosophy Series, Dergah Publications).
(Forthcoming) Orpheusçu İlahiler [The Orphic Hymns] (A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish, with an introduction, notes, glossary, and Indices; Kazim Taskent Classical Works Series, Yapi Kredi Publications).
(Forthcoming) Ksenophon: Hieron ya da Tiranlık Üzerine ~ Agesilaos ~ Lakedaimonialıların Devleti [Xenophon: Hiero, or On Tyranny ~ Agesilaus ~ Constitution of the Lacedaemonians] (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Indices).
(Forthcoming) Loukianos: Ölülerin Diyalogları ~ Kibar Fahişelerin Diyalogları [Lucian: Dialogues of the Dead ~ Dialogues of the Courtesans] (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Indices).
2024a, Homeros: İlyada/Ilias [Homer: The Iliad/The Ilias]. (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Indices), Istanbul: Everest Publications, Istanbul: May 2024; ISBN 978-625-369-151-6 [Paperback]; ISBN 978-625-369-152-3 [Hardback].
2022, Aristophanes: Thesmophoria Kutlayan Kadınlar [Aristophanes: Thesmophoriazusae] (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Indices; Hasan Ali Yucel Classics Series 427, Isbank Cultural Publications, ISBN 978-625-429-067-1 [Hardcover], ISBN 978-625-429-068-8 [Paperback]) [with Eser Yavuz].
2021b, Loukianos: Hakiki Hikâyeler [Lucian: True Stories] (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Indices; Hasan Ali Yucel Classics Series 409, Isbank Cultural Publications, 2nd edition, February 20232), ISBN 978-625-429-067-1 [Hardcover], ISBN 978-625-429-068-8 [Paperback]) [with Ertuğrul İnanç].
2021a, Homerosçu İlahiler [The Homeric Hymns] (A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish, with an introduction, notes, glossary, and Indices; Istanbul: March 2021 (published by Yapi Kredi Publications, Series of Kazim Taskent Classical Works 106; revised 2th edition, February 20212, November 20243); ISBN 978-975-08-4927-5).
2019a, Aristophanes: Kadın Mebuslar [Aristophanes: Assembly Women] (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Indices; Hasan Ali Yucel Classics Series 351, Isbank Cultural Publications, 3rd edition, January 20232), ISBN: 978-605-295-803-2 [Hardcover], ISBN: 978-605-295-805-6 [Paperback]) [with Eser Yavuz].
2018b, Aristophanes: Ploutos (Servet) [Aristophanes: Plutus] (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Indices; Hasan Ali Yucel Classics Series 328, Isbank Cultural Publications, 2nd edition, January 20222), ISBN: 978-605-295-438-6 [Hardcover], ISBN: 978-605-295-437-9 [Paperback]) [with Eser Yavuz].
2018a, Homerosçu İlahiler'den Pindaros'a Arkaik Yunan Şiiri Antolojisi [An Anthology of Archaic Greek Poetry: From the Homeric Hymns to Pindar], (Collected and translated from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, notes, glossary, and indices; an anthology of Archaic Greek Poetry to exemplify the Archaic aesthetic, including many renown verses of the period from Homeric Hymns to Pindar – Istanbul: January 2018 (published by Yapi Kredi Publications, Series of Kazim Taskent Classical Works 98; revised 2th edition, January 20212, November 20243); ISBN 978-975-08-4132-3).
2017, Bakkhylides: Bütün Şiirleri ve Fragmanları [Bacchylides: All the Odes and Fragments], (A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, notes, glossary, and indices; published by Yapi Kredi Publications, Series of Kazim Taskent Classical Works 95, expanded and revised 2nd edition, March 20232; ISBN 978-975-08-3901-6; ISBN [2nd edition]: 978-975-08-5688-4).
2016c, Kratylos’a Yorumlar: Physis-Nomos Karşıtlığı Bağlamında Filolojik ve Yorumbilimsel Bir İnceleme, Cilt 2 [Commentaries on Cratylus: A Philological and Hermeneutical Examination in the Contradiction between Physis and Nomos, Volume 2] (Philosophy Series 35), Istanbul: Dergah Publications, ISBN: 978-975-995-701-8).
2016b, Platon: Kratylos. Giriş, Metin, Çeviri ve Dizinler, Cilt 1 [Plato: Cratylus - Introduction, Text, Translation, and Indices, Volume 1] (Philosophy Series 34, revised 2nd edition, June 20202), Istanbul: Dergah Publications, ISBN: 978-975-995-700-1).
2016a, Proklos: Adlandırmanın Ontoteolojisi. Platon'un "Kratylos"una Yorum [Proclus: Ontotheology of Naming. On Plato's "Cratylus"] (A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish including the Greek text, an introduction, and indices, Philosophy Series 36, Istanbul: Dergah Publications, ISBN: 978-975-995-703-2).
2015d, Arkaik Yunan'da Adlandırma ve Hakikat [Naming and Truth in Archaic Greece] (Philosophy Series 30, Istanbul: Dergah Publications, ISBN: 978-975-995-667-7).
2015c, Pindaros: Bütün Zafer Şarkıları [Pindar: All Victory Odes] (ed. Derya Onder; a translation of Olympian, Pythian, Nemean, Isthmian Odes from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, glossary, indices, and notes - Istanbul: Kazim Taskent Classical Works Series 92, Yapi Kredi Publications, expanded and revised 2th edition, February 20232; ISBN: 978-975-08-3366-3; ISBN [2th edition]: 978-975-08-5527-6).
2015b, Πλάτων: Ἀπολογία Σωκράτους / Platon: Sokrates'in Savunması [Plato: The Apology of Socrates]. Istanbul: Alfa Publications (Veritas Series 5; revised 2nd edition 2017, first published 2006, A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish including the Greek text, an introduction, indices, and commenting notes, ISBN 978-605-171-028-0).
2015a, Platon: Sokrates'in Savunması [Plato: The Apology of Socrates]. Istanbul: Alfa Publications (Philosophy Series 39; revised 5th edition (February 20162, November 20183, October 20194, November 20205, July 20246), first published 2006, A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish including an introduction, indices, and commenting notes, ISBN 978-605-171-005-1).
Edited Books
2021, Şehir: Edebi Karşılaşmalar [The City: Literary Encounters]. An edited book consists of collected articles, contributors include from different language, literature traditions, literary circles – Istanbul: Istanbul University Press, ISBN: 978-605-07-0788-5; E-ISBN: 978-605-07-0777-9, August 2021 [with Ebru Yener Gökşenli, Şerif Eskin, Bülent Çağlakpınar].
2018, Savaş ve Edebiyat: Edebiyatın Tanıklığında Savaş ve Sonrası [War and Literature: War and its Sequel in the Testimony of Literature] (Istanbul: Hiper Publications, ISBN 978-605-281-197-9; e-ISBN 978-605-281-196-2) [with Ebru Yener Gökşenli, Korhan Korbek, Şerif Eskin, Bülent Çağlakpınar].
2016, Herakleitos: Fragmanlar, Testimonia-Fragmenta-Imitationes [Heraclitus: Fragments, Testimonia-Fragmenta-Imitationes] (trans. Erdal Yildiz - Guvenc Sar; Philosophy Series 32; revised 2nd edition 2019, Istanbul: Dergah Publications, ISBN 978-975-995-683-7).
Conference Papers (Full Text)
2021, “Keşfedilen Doğa: Physis Mefhumunun Yunan Düşüncesinde İnşası” [Discovered Nature: The Construction of the Concept of Physis in Greek Thought]. in: P. Atayman Erçelik, (ed.) Navisalvia 2019 Sina Kabağaç'ı Anma Toplantısı: Doğa / Natura. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 31-63.
2019, “Guillaume Budé: An Efficient Transformer of Greek Lexicography in Early Modern Europe.” in: M. Gürlek – A. N. Çiçekler – Y. Taşdemir (ed.) Asialex 2019 Istanbul: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography. Istanbul, 292-306.
2018, “Başkalaşımın Katmanları: Metamorphosis’in Çok Veçheli Nesnesi Üzerine” [The Layers of Transformation: Multi-faceted Object of Metamorphosis]. in: F. Ç. Menzilcioğlu (ed.) Navisalvia 2017 Sina Kabağaç'ı Anma Toplantısı: Metamorphoses / Başkalaşımlar. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 17-40.
2013, “Two Distinct Epinician Styles: Uniqueness of Poetic Expression in Bacchylides’ and Pindar’s Victory Odes.” in: Book of Proceedings 13th International Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium: Simple Style September, 26-28, 2013. Kars: Kafkas University, 615-627.
2009b, “Bakkhylides’in ‘Zaman Havuzunu Çalkalamak’,” [Agitating Bacchylides' ‘Pool of Time’] in: O. F. Akyol (ed.) (2009). Navisalvia Sina Kabaağaç'ı Anma Toplantısı 2007: Ars Poetika. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 20-38.
2009a, “Rhodoslu Apollonios’ta Mythos’un Yeniden Okunması,” [Re-reading Mythos in Apollonius Rhodius] in: O. F. Akyol (ed.) (2009). Navisalvia Sina Kabaağaç'ı Anma Toplantısı 2006: Mythos. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 185-208.
Conference Papers (Abstract)
2023, “Eratosthenes’in “Buluş”undan Ptolemaios’un “Devrim”ine Antikçağ’da Coğrafyanın Müessesleşmesi” [The Institutionalisation of Geography in Antiquity from the “Invention” of Eratosthenes to the “Revolution” of Ptolemy], in: Betül Yurtalan – Muharrem Samet Bilgin, (eds.), Din ve Coğrafya Sempozyumu I: “Erken Dönem İslam Kültüründe Coğrafya Algısı (H. II-V. Asırlar)”, Çorum: Hitit University Press, 17-19.
2021, “Aristophanes’in Kadın Mebuslar’ında Toplumsal Roller ve Cinsel Kimlikler” [Social Roles and Sexual Identities in Aristophanes’ Assembly Women], in: Betül Özbay et al. (eds.), Geçmişten Günümüze Türk Yazınında Kadının Temsili Çalıştayı, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, 4-5.
2014, “Apóllōn: An Extended Allusiveness of a Divine Riddle.” in: Cuarto Congreso International de Estudios Clásicos en México. Mexico City/Mexico: Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, 60.
Translations (Poetry)
2017, "Megara’lı Theognis’ten (MÖ ca. 625-480) Parçalar [Some Fragments from Theognis of Megara (ca. 625-480 BCE)]" şurada: Şiir ve İnşâ 7 (January-February-March - Winter 2017): 3-4.
2015b, "Mytileneli (Midilli) Alkaios / Şiirler. ["Alcaeus of Mytilene / Selected Fragments"]" Şiir Atlası (ed. Cevat Çapan), Cumhuriyet (Newspaper 16.07.2015), Kitap Eki, 19.
2015a, "Kolophon’lu ya da Smyrna'lı Mimnermos‘tan (MÖ 7. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısı) Parçalar [Some Fragments from Mimnermus of Colophon or Smyrna (the Second Half of 7th Century BCE)]." in: Şiir ve İnşâ 6 (June-July-August - Summer 2015): 5-6.
2014, "Paros’lu Arkhilokhos'tan (MÖ ca. 700-640) Parçalar [Some Fragments from Archilochus of Paros (ca. 700-640 BCE).” in: Şiir ve İnşâ 4 (March-April-May): 12-13.
2015, ""Güler Yüzlü Bir Kültür"ün Devamlılığı: İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri Kütüphanesi Emektar Kütüphanecisi Havva Koç'la Söyleşi [The Continuity of "a Smiling Culture": An Interview with Havva Koç, the Veteran Librarian of the Library of Istanbul Archaeological Museums]" Arkeoloji ve Sanat 149 (May-August 2015): 185-199.
Book Reviews
2014, "Domninus of Larissa, Encheiridion and Spurious Works. Introduction, Critical Text, English Translation, and Commentary by Peter Riedlberger, Mathematica Graeca Antiqua 2, Pisa/Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2013" in: Exemplaria Classica 18: 287-292.
2012, "The Eye and Seeing (Z.) Adorjáni Auge und Sehen in Pindars Dichtung (Spudasmata 139.) pp. 249. Hildesheim, Zurich and New York: Georg Olms, 2011." in: The Classical Review 62.2: 359-361.
(Forthcoming) "Arkaik Yunanistan'da Kadın Düşmanlığı ve Sosyoekonomik Değişim [Misogynism and Socioeconomic Change in Archaic Greece].
(Forthcoming) “Aristoteles’te Topos Kavrayışı ve Geç Yeni Platoncuların Eleştirileri” [Aristotle’s Concept of Topos and the Late Neoplatonists’ Criticism].
(Forthcoming) “‘Homeros Sorunu’ ve Tarihselciliğin Altın Çağı” [The ‘Homeric Question’ and the Golden Age of Historicism], in: Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi.
(Forthcoming) “Tarih ile Mitin Ufkunda Homeros'u ‘Çevirmek’” [‘Translating’ Homer on the Horizon of History and Myth], in: Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi.
(Forthcoming) “Tarih ile Kurgu Arasında Homeros’un Otoritesi” [Homer's Authority Between History and Fiction], in: Varlık Dergisi 1410 (March 2025): 58-65
2024b, “Kadim Yunan’da Mit Geleneği ve Yenilik Fikri” [Myth Tradition and the Idea of Innovation in Ancient Greece]. in: Varlık Dergisi 1406 (November 2024): 60-65.
2024a, “Eski Yunan-Roma Düşüncesinde Coğrafi Mekân Fikri, Coğrafyanın Müessesleşmesi ve İslâm Coğrafyacılığına Etkisi” [The Idea of Geographical Space in Ancient Greek-Roman Thought, the Institutionalisation of Geography and its Influence on Islamic Geography] Hitit Theology Journal, 23/Special Issue: Religion and Geography: 27-53.
2023c, “Aristophanes’in Gözünden Sokrates: Bir “Mütegafil”in (Eirōn) Portresi” [Socrates through the Eyes of Aristophanes: The Portrait of a “Ignorance-Feigner” (Eirōn)]. in: Cogito 111-112 – Socrates (ed. Nazile Kalaycı – Hakan Yücefer; Fall-Winter 2023): 45-64.
2023b, "Kharmidēs'te Sōphrosynē: Platon'da Bir Mefhumlaştırma Örneği” [Sōphrosynē in the Charmides: A Pattern of Conceptualization in Plato], Beytülhikme 13/2: 1-21.
2023a, “Stoacıların Gözünde Allēgoria: Physis’in Gölgelerini Teşhis Etme Yolları” [Allēgoria According to the Stoics: Ways to Identify the Shadows of Physis], in: Kutadgubilig 47: 83-111.
2022, “Homeros: Akdeniz’de Şiirle(ş)menin İlk Halleri” [Homer: Primordial Situations of Versification in the Mediterranean]. in: East West 101 – Poetry of Classical World: 75-91 (ed. Yücel Kayıran), East West Publications.
2014, “Klasik Yunan Tragedyasında Ad(landırman)ın Trajik İşlevi" [The Tragic Function of Name/Naming in Classical Greek Tragedy]. in: FLSF: Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences 17: 237-264.
2013, "Pindaros’ta Aşk Büyüsü: Aphrodite’nin “Divâne (Eden) Kuşu” Iynks'ün Kerameti" [Miraculous Deed of Aphrodite's "Mad(dening) Bird" Iynx], in: Mediterranean Journal of Humanities 3/1: 155-170.
2009, “Tartışmalı Bir Papirüs Fragmanı Olarak PMG 541: Bir Yeniden Okuma, Çevirme ve Yorumlama Denemesi" [As a Problematic Papyrus Fragment PMG 541: An Attempt of Rereading, Retranslating, and Reinterpreting], in: Archaeology and Art 132: 39-48, Archaeology and Art Publications.
2007b, “Stoalılarda Dilbilim Sorunları ve Anlambilimin Olgunlaşması" [Linguistic Problems and Efflorescence of Semantics in the Stoics], in: Archives of Philosophy 31: 87-105, Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters Press.
2007a, “Antik Çağ Destan Geleneğinde Ruh ve Öte Dünya [Soul and Hereafter in the Ancient Epic Tradition], in: East-West 40 (Ancient Wisdom): 123-139 (ed. Bedia Demiriş), East West Publications.
2004, “Tarsuslu Paulus: Hellenistik Bir Dâhi [Paulus Tarsius: A Hellenistic Genius],” in: E. Özbayoğlu (ed.) (2004). Lucerna: Essays in Classical Philology. Istanbul: Eren Publications, 81-88.
Book Chapters
2025, “Bir Metni Tercüme Etmek” [Translating a Text], in: Abdullah Başaran – Hayrunnisa Düzgün (ed.) (2025), Metinle İştigal: Okuma, Yorumlama, Tercüme, Anlama [Preoccupations with the Text Reading, Interpreting, Translating, Understanding], Ankara: Eskiyeni Yayınları, 85-112.
2024b, “«Arkaik Yunan Şiiri» Bizim Neyimiz Olur? Kadim Yunan İnsaninin Kendine Has Duyuşu Üzerine” [What is the Affinity of Archaic Greek Poetry to Us? On the Characteristic Sensation of Ancient Greek Man], in: F. Gül Özaktürk – Ü. Fafo Telatar – Güray Ünver (ed.) Sapientia: Cumhuriyetin Yüzüncü Yılında Prof. Dr. Güngör Varınlıoğlu ve Prof. Dr. Ender Varınlıoğlu Onuruna Yazılar, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi Yayınları, 382-402.
2024a, “Miras mı Reddi Miras mı? Ioannis Kottounios'un Aristoteles’in Fizik’inin Latince Çevirilerine Eleştirileri” [Inheritance or Denial of Inheritance? Ioannis Cottunius' Critics to the Latin Translations of Aristotle’s Physics]. in: M. Sait Özervarlı - Cahid Şenel - Harun Kuşlu (ed.) Dönemi ve İlim Çevresi Işığında Yanyalı Esad Efendi. İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 347-374.
2023a, “Ananke: Erken ve Klasik Yunan Düşüncesinde Zorunluluğun Mertebeleri” [Ananke: The Ranks of Compulsion in Early and Classical Greek Thought]. in: Filiz Cluzeau, et al. (ed.), Sophron: Güler Çelgin’e Armağan Yazılar, İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, s. 253-272.
2022e, “Tekhnopaigneia: Rhodoslu Simias’ın “Görsel” Şiirlerinde Muammâyı Görmenin Merhaleleri” [Tekhnopaigneia: Phases of Seing the Riddle in Visual Poetry of Simias of Rhodes], in: Orçun Üçer (ed.), Festschrift in Honor of Jale Parla I / Jale Parla Armağanı I (Journal of Turkish Studies / Türklük Bilgisi Araştırmaları 57). Cambridge (MA): Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Harvard University, 339-364.
2022d, “Arkaik ve Klasik Dönemlerde İonialılarda Şiir ve Edebi Lehçe / Poetry and Literary Dialect of the Ionians in the Archaic and Classical Periods.” In: Yaşar Erkan Ersoy – Elif Koparal (eds.), İonialılar: Ege Kıyılarının Bilge Sakinleri / Ionians: The Sages of the Aegean Shore, Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Publications, 184-199.
2022c, “Semantic Rhythm in Poetry Translation: Şinasi’s Tercüme-i Manzume”, in: Mehmet Tahir Öncü – Sine Demirkıvıran (ed.) Beiträge zum Literarischen Übersetzen in der Türkei: Neue Aspekte und Perspektiven. Berlin: Logos Verlag, 165-180. [with Zeynep Seza Yılmaz].
2022b, “Demirci Tanrı Hephaistos ve Mitlerde Demircilik” [Blacksmith God Hephaestus and Smithery in the Myths], in: Akif Kuruçay (ed.) Alet İşler: Dünya Tümden Değişir, İstanbul: Kanca Grup, 162-177.
2022a, “Antik Yunan'da Zanaat ve Zanaatkâr Olarak İnsan” [The Craft and Human as a Craftsman in Ancient Greece], in: Akif Kuruçay (ed.) Alet İşler: Dünya Tümden Değişir, İstanbul: Kanca Grup, 34-49.
2021, “Establishing a Scientific Discipline and Translating Antiquity: Halil Demircioğlu’s Strategic Preferences,” in: Mehmet Tahir Öncü – Emre Büyüknisan (eds.) Übersetzerforschung in der Türkei II, Berlin: Logos Verlag, 227-251.
2015, "Sappho'nun Sesi ve 'Akıcı Üslup'" [Sappho's Voice and "Polished Style"]. in: Nezih Başgelen (ed.) Ozanın Gününde Bozcaada 2015 - Yılın Teması: Sappho. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 41-49.
2014c, “Pindaros’un On Birinci Nemea Şarkısı: Arkaik Çağda Politik İktidarın ve Zaferin Sınırları" [Pindar’s Eleventh Nemean Ode: The Limits of Political Power and Victory in Archaic Period].” in: Çağatay Aşkit - Serap Kalaycıoğulları - R. Kayapınar - Ceyda Üstünel Keyinci - Rukiye Öztürk (eds.) In Memoriam Filiz Öktem. Ankara: Ankara University Faculty of Language, History and Geography Press, 95-112.
2014b, “Yakındoğu Kökenli Yılan Motifinin Yunan-Roma Dinindeki Alımlanışı" [The Reception of Near Eastern Serpent Theme in Greco-Roman Religion], in: Emine Gürsoy Naskali (ed.) Yılan Kitabı [The Book of Serpent]. Istanbul: Kitabevi Publications, 5-52.
2014a, “Klasik Atina’da Ad(landırman)ın Ritüel Bağlamı: Amphidromia" [The Ritual Context of Name/Naming in Classical Athens: Amphidromia], in: Nalan Eda Akyürek Şahin - Mehmet Ertan Yıldız - Mehmet Alkan (eds.) Eskiçağ Yazıları 6 [Essays on Antiquity] (Akron VIII). Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 17-42.