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Filolojiye Giriş: Sorunlar, Kökenler, Yöntemler [An Introduction to Philology: Problems, Origins, Methods]. (An introduction to classical philology in its historical context from the beginning until today including the contributions of the contemporary debates to the field).

Translations and Commentaries

Platon: Sofist [Plato: Sophist] (A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish, with an introduction, notes, glossary, and Indices).

Parmenides: Tanıklıklar ve Fragmanlar [Parmenides: Testimonia and Fragments] (A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, notes, glossary, and indices).

Rhodoslu Apollonios: Argonautika [Apollonius Rhodius: Argonautica] (A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish, with an introduction, notes, glossary, and Indices).

Iamblikhos: Mısırlıların Gizemleri Üzerine [Iamblichus: On the Mysteries of Egyptians] (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish, with an introduction, notes, glossary, and indices).

Hellenistik Yunan Şiiri Antolojisi [An Anthology of Hellenistic Greek Poetry] (A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, notes, glossary, and indices, an anthology of Hellenistic Greek Poetry to exemplify the archaic aesthetic, including many renown verses of the period from Callimachus to Epigrams).


"Problematic Papyrus Fragment P. Oxy. 2432: An Attempt to Reread and Reinterpret an 'Oral Text' through the Heideggerian Notion of Kreis."

“Text and Context: Re-reading the Ancient World through Circum-circles (Proclus, In Crat. XXXVI).”

Aidōs in Pindar’s Olympian 7: An Observation on He’jâb and Hushû’ within Heideggerian Notion of Scheu.”

"Explaining the Divine Names: Apollo's Etymologies as Onto(-theo)logical Riddles."

"Name and Signature of the Poet in Hellenistic Epigrams."

"Divine Names as 'Tokens and Traces' of Being in Corpus Dionysiacum."

“The Artisans of God in Two Corresponding Cultural Point of Views: Theourgos in Iamblichus and Ahlullah in Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi.”


Projects (as Conductor)

"Divine Names in Corpus Dionysiacum as the Mirrors of Being: The Dispositives for Seeing the Unseen." Postdoctoral Research Project (ARIT George Maxim Anossov Hanfmann Fellowship - Tübitak 2219 Postdoctoral Research Project): 2015-2016 Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA, USA (September 2015-September 2016).

Physis-Nomos İkileminde Platon'nun Kratylos'u: Antikçağ’daki Düşünsel Arka Planı ve Tarihsel Alımlanışı Çerçevesinde Filolojik Ve Yorumbilimsel Bir İnceleme” [Plato’s Cratylus in the Contradiction between Physis and Nomos: A Philological and Hermeneutical Examination of Cratylus in the Framework of its Intellectual Background and Reception in Antiquity] Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (YADOP, Project Number: 41714 – Coordinator; completed in September 2015).

Apóllôn: An extended allusiveness of a divine riddle” Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (UDP, Project Number: 44463 – Coordinator; completed in November 2014).

“Two Distinct Epinician Styles: Uniqueness of Poetic Expression in Bacchylides’ and Pindar’s Victory Odes” Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (UDP, Project Number: 36161 – Coordinator; completed in October 2013).

“Arkaik Yunan Şiirinde Ad, Adlandırma ve Hakikat İlişkisi: Pindaros’un Zafer Şarkılarında (Yeniden-)Adlandırma” [The Relations Between Name, Naming and Truth in Archaic Greek Poetry and (Re-)Naming in Pindar’s Victory Odes] Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (Dissertation Project, Project Number: 11551 – Coordinator; completed in June 2013). 1)    

Projects (as a Member of a Research Group)

“The Nature of the Quest of 17th Century Ottoman Thought and the Contributions of Yanyalı Esad Efendi” TÜBİTAK 1003 Priority Areas R&D Project Support Program, 1003-Sbb-FLSF-2019-1 Islamic Civilisation and History of Science, Project No: 119K752 (Director: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sait Özervarlı; Conductor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cahid Şenel; completed on June 2023).

“Epigraphic and Historical-Geographic Research Around Nallihan and Juliopolis.” Research Project (Conductor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih Onur), 2014.

“Excavations and Restorations at the Church of St. Nicholas in Myra-Demre.” Research Project (Conductor: Prof. Dr. Sema Dogan), 2018.

Memberships (Scientific Associations and Societies)

Society for Classical Studies (SCS) [American Philological Association (APA)].

Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie (GANPH).

The North American Patristics Society (NAPS).

Memberships (Boards of Academic Journals)

Journal of Archaeology and Art (A Member of Advisory and Editorial Board).

Kutadgubilig: Journal of Philosophy - Science Research (A Member of Advisory and Editorial Board).

FLSF: Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences (A Member of Advisory and Editorial Board).

Milel ve Nihal: Journal for Studies of Belief, Culture and Mythology (Member of Advisory and Editorial Board).

Memberships (Board of Judges)

The Adrian Saunders 2nd Greek / Latin Recitation Competition [May 12, 2019], Koc University, Rumeli Feneri/Istanbul.

The Adrian Saunders 1st Greek / Latin Recitation Competition [April 15, 2018], Koc University, Rumeli Feneri/Istanbul.

Memberships (Organization and Evaluation Committees)

The Adrian Saunders 3rd Greek / Latin Recitation Competition [May 9, 2020], Istanbul University, Beyazıt/Istanbul (Member of Organization Committee).

Istanbul University Faculty of Letters, the 2nd Congress of Social Science: The City’s Language (CONGIST’19) [September 18-20, 2019] (Member of Organization Board).

Istanbul University Faculty of Letters, the 1st Congress of Social Science: Homecoming Soldier-War and Society in the Centenary of the End of WWI (CONGIST’18) [September 10-14, 2018] (Member of Organization Board).

Navisalvia 2019 Ad Memoriam Sina Kabaagac: Nature [May 3, 2019] (Member of Organization Committee).

The 6th Symposium of Ancient Language and Culture Student [May 14-15, 2018] (Member of Evaluation Committee).

Navisalvia 2018 Ad Memoriam Sina Kabaagac: Light and Darkness [April 26, 2018] (Member of Organization Committee).

Navisalvia 2017 Ad Memoriam Sina Kabaagac: Metamorphoses [April 26, 2017] (Member of Organization Committee).

The 1st Symposium of Ancient Language and Culture Student [June 21-22, 2013] (Member of Organization Committee).


Invited Lectures

2024, “Hakikat Cesareti ve Foucault” [The Courage of Truth and Foucault], in: Foucault Konuşmaları, April 24th, 2024, TESAK, Kadıköy, İstanbul [with Ferda Keskin]  (Moderators: Eda Çaça – Oğuz Tecimen).

2021, “Filolojinin Metotundan Çevirmenin Tercihine: Filolojik Çevirinin Serencamı” [From Method of Philology to Choice of Translator: The Consequence of Philological Translation], in: Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Hall of Honor, December 22nd, 2021 (invited by the Student Club of Turkish Language and Literature).

2021, “Aristophanes’in Kadın Mebuslar’ında Toplumsal Roller ve Cinsel Kimlikler” [Social Roles and Sexual Identities in Aristophanes’ Assembly Women], in: Geçmişten Günümüze Türk Yazınında Kadının Temsili Çalıştayı, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, February 13th, 2021 (invited by Dr. Sureyya Pekşen) [via Zoom].

2020a, “Platon’un Kratylos'undaki Temel Meseleler: Varlık ve Bilgi” [The Foundational Problems in Plato’s Cratylus: Being and Knowledge]. in: Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Turhan High School Social Science (Istanbul/Turkey), March 2nd, 2020 (invited by Philosophy Teacher Gülnur Güner).

2019d, “Dilin Bilimi Üzerine Yeniden Düşünmek” [Re-thinking on the Science of Language]. in: Linguistical Problems from Classical Greece to Present. Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters (Istanbul/Turkey), December 9th, 2019 (invited by the Department of Linguistics).

2019c, “Bir Estetik Eğitim Olarak Arkaik Yunan Şiiri” [Archaic Greek Poetry as an Aesthetic Education]. in: METU Alumni Association of Istanbul, Meeting of Literature Club (Istanbul/Turkey), May 15th, 2019 (invited by Literature Club of the association).

2019b, “In the Bottleneck of the Humanities: Nietzsche’s Contribution to Classics.” in: Classical Studies Certificate Guest Lecture, Koc University (Istanbul/Turkey), April 15th, 2019 (invited by Dr. Haris Theodorelis-Rigas).

2019a, "Arkaik Yunan Şiirinde Mit ve Hakikat” [Myth and Truth in Archaic Greek Poetry]. in: Academy Seminars, Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters (Istanbul/Turkey), March 27th, 2019 (invited by Dr. Özlem Karadağ).

2018, “Arkaik Yunan Şiiri Bağlamında Estetik ve Etik Olan” [Aesthetical and Ethical Ones in the Context of Archaic Greek Poetry]. in: Kültür ve Sanat Sohbetleri, Neva Bulvarı Atölye ve Cafe (Istanbul/Turkey), May 17th, 2018.

2017, “Humpty Dumpty Klasik Atina’da: Platon’un Kratylos’unda Dilbilimsel Sorunlar” [Humpty Dumpty in Classical Athens: The Linguistic Problems in Plato’s Cratylus]. in: Linguistic Conversations, Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Faculty Council Hall (Istanbul/Turkey), April 18th, 2017 (invited by Prof. Dr. Hayati Develi).

2016e, “Hakikatin Adları: Arkaik Yunan'da Adlandırma ve Hakikat” [The Names of Truth: Naming and Truth in Archaic Greece]. in: BISAV (Istanbul/Turkey), December 17th, 2016 (invited by Assist. Prof. Dr. Ishak Arslan).

2016d, “(Yeni) Tarihselcilik ve (Eski) Filoloji: Tarihi (Yeniden) Okumanın İmkanları Üzerine” [(New) Historicism and (Old) Philology: On the Means of (Re-)Reading the History]. in: Ankara Social Science University, The Department of History (Ankara/Turkey), November 29th, 2016 (invited by Assist. Prof. Dr. Selim F. Adalı).

2016c, "Nomothetês: Herodotos’tan Lucretius’a Antikçağ’da Dilin Kökeni Sorunu" [Nomothetês: The Problem of the origin of language from Herodotus to Lucretius in Antiquity]. in: Ankara University Faculty of Languages, History and Geography, Department of Ancient Language and Culture, Division of Greek Language and Literature (Ankara/Turkey), November 28th, 2016 (invited by Prof. Dr. Bülent İplikçioğlu).

2016b, “Talking about the unknown God.” Istanbul Şehir University Philosophy Talks 26, Istanbul Şehir University, Department of Philosophy (Istanbul/Turkey), November 17th, 2016 (invited by Prof. Dr. Manuel Knoll).

2016a, "Explaining the Divine Names: Apollo's Etymologies as Onto(-theo)logical Riddles." in: Center for Studies of World Religions (CSWR; Cambridge, MA/USA) February 17th, 2016 (invited by Prof. Dr. Frank X. Clooney).

2015, "Sappho'nun Sesi ve "Akıcı Üslup"." [Sappho's Voice and "Polished Style"] in: 14th Bozcaada "Day of the Poet" Poetry Symposium, (Bozcaada/Turkey), July 11th-12th, 2015 (invited by Prof. Dr. Haluk Şahin).

2013, "Atina’da Ad(landırman)ın Ritüel Bağlamı: Amphidromia [The Ritual Context of Name/Naming in Athens: Amphidromia]." in: Paideia Seminars, Ankara University Faculty of Languages, History and Geography, Department of Ancient Language and Culture, Division of Greek Language and Literature (Ankara/Turkey), November 15th, 2013 (invited by Prof. Dr. Tansu Açık).

Conference Papers

2024, “Eski Yunan Düşüncesinde Suç ve Ceza Fikrinin Hukukileşmesi” [Legalisation of the Idea of Crime and Punishment in Ancient Greek Thought], in: Müze Gazhane, January 17, 2024, Istanbul.

2023b, “Herakles’in On İki İşi ve Medeniyetin Tesisi Fikri” [The Twelve Labors of Hercules and the Idea of Establishment of Civilisation], in: Antik Yunan Mitoloji Atölyesi, December 5th, 2023, Istanbul Universty, Faculty of Letters, Istanbul.2023,

2023a, “Eratosthenes’in “Buluş”undan Ptolemaios’un “Devrim”ine Antikçağ’da Coğrafyanın Müessesleşmesi” [The Institutionalisation of Geography in Antiquity from the “Invention” of Eratosthenes to the “Revolution” of Ptolemy], in: Din ve Coğrafya Sempozyumu I: “Erken Dönem İslam Kültüründe Coğrafya Algısı (H. II-V. Asırlar)”, October 5th-6th, 2023, Hitite University, Divinity School (Çorum).

2022, "Miras mı Reddi Miras mı?:
Ioannes Cottunius ve Aristoteles’in Fizik’inin Latince Tercümeleri" [Inheritence or Denial of Inheritance? Ioannes Cottunius and Latin Translations of Aristotle’s Physics]. Yanyalı Esad Efendi Çalıştayı [Workshop of Yanyali Esad Efendi], October 21st-22nd, 2022, ISAM Conferance Hall, Istanbul.

2019c, “Klasik Yunan’da Polis’in Dili: Epideiktik Hitabet ve Şiirsel Kökleri” [The Language of Polis in Classical Greece: Epideictic Rhetoric and its Poetical Roots]. in: The 2nd International Congress of Social Sciences (CONGIST 2019): “The City’s Language.” Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters (Istanbul/Turkey), September 18th-20th, 2019.

2019b, “Guillaume Budé: An Efficient Transformer of Greek Lexicography in Early Modern Europe.” in: Asialex 2019: The 13th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography, Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters (Istanbul/Turkey), June 19th-21st, 2019.

2019a, “Keşfedilen Doğa: Physis Mefhumunun Yunan Düşüncesinde İnşası” [Discovered Nature: The Construction of the Concept of Physis in Greek Thought]. in: Navisalvia 2019: Ad Memoriam Sina Kabaağaç: Natura/Nature, Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Faculty Council Hall (Istanbul/Turkey), May 3rd, 2019.

2017b, “Başkalaşımın Katmanları: Metamorphosis’in Çok Veçheli Nesnesi Üzerine” [The Layers of Transformation: Multi-faceted Object of Metamorphosis] in: Navisalvia 2017: Ad Memoriam Sina Kabaağaç: Metamorphoses, Istanbul University, Prof. Dr. Cemil Bilsel Conference Hall (Istanbul/Turkey), April 26th, 2017.

2017a, "Corpus Dionysiacum'da Tanrı'nın Topos'unu Görmek" [Seeing the Topos of God in the Corpus Dionysiacum]. in: Hanfmann-Mellink Conference: Ad Memoriam Prof. Crawford II. Greenewalt, Ankara, Ankara University Faculty of Languages, History and Geography, Muzaffer Goker Conference Hall (Ankara/Turkey), April 14th, 2017 (invited by the Conference Committee).

2016, "Divine Names as 'Tokens and Traces' of Being in Corpus Dionysiacum." in: North American Patristic Society (NAPS), 2016 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL/USA), May 26th-28th, 2016.

2014, "Apóllōn: An Extended Allusiveness of a Divine Riddle." in: 4th International Conference on Classical Studies in Mexico (Mexico City/Mexico), October 20th-24th, 2014.

2013b, "Two Distinct Epinician Styles: Uniqueness of Poetic Expression in Bacchylides’ and Pindar’s Victory Odes." in: 13th International Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium: Simple Style - ILLS 2013. Kafkas University (Kars/Turkey), September 26th-28th, 2013.

2013a, "Pindaros’ta Aşk Büyüsü: Aphrodite’nin “Divâne (Eden) Kuşu” Iynks’un Kerameti [Love Magic in Pindar: Miraculous Deed of Aphrodite's "Mad(dening) Bird" Iynx]." in: Mediterranean University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Ancient Language and Culture (Antalya/Turkey), May 24th, 2013 (invited by Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatih Onur).

2010b, “Text and Context: Re-reading the Ancient World through Circum-circles [Proclus, In Crat. XXXVI].” in: Text und Kontext: Kolloquium des Museion Monacense, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich/Germany), December 3rd, 2010, invited by Prof. Dr. Suzanne Gödde).

2010a, "A Problematic Papyrus Fragment P. Oxy. 2432: An Attempt to Reread and Reinterpret an "Oral Text" through the Heideggerian Notion of Kreis." in: Orality and Literacy in the Greco-Roman World IX: Composition and Performance, The Australian National University (Canberra/Australia), July 3rd, 2010.

2007, “Bakkhylides’in ‘Zaman Havuzunu Çalkalamak"." [Agitating Bacchylides' ‘Pool of Time’]." Navisalvia 2007: ad Memoriam Sina Kabaagac, Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters (Istanbul/Turkey), April 26th, 2007.

2006, “Rhodoslu Apollonios’ta Mythos’un Yeniden Okunması [Re-reading Mythos in Apollonios Rhodios]." Navisalvia 2006: ad Memoriam Sina Kabaagac, Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters (Istanbul/Turkey), April 27th, 2006.